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Oct 30, 2010
Whatsup peeps. :)

Today was Jake's early birthday celebration.
Was.... ...? LOL.
Met jake,zb,justin, headed to arcade , then peini and joyee came. :)
Watched the boys play tekken till we were boreddddddd!
Then went to foodcourt to have our lunch.
Headed to vivo.
Bought movie tix for The Incite Mill: 7 Day Death Game. Heh.
Went to arcade. Again. Lol.
They played tekken. Again. Haha
While peini,joyee and i went to walk round daiso.
Back to the arcade, went round playing other games.
Niceeeee teamwork wif joyee! 232 pts! :D *high5*
Haha, then went for the movie. The movie was not bad, but sat at 2nd row.
Kept fidgeting and my neck is still aching. Lol.
AND no idea why phones kept ringing.Laughed when justin went 'shhhh~' to the person behind. LOL.
Aft that, walked round looking for a place to have our dinner.
In the end, waited for seats outside Ishiki. :D
Had fun while waiting. Heheexcz. ^^
Ate, then everybody went their seperate ways.
Headed to orchard to meet my parents.
Heh, went to borders first. But still the same old books.
Crossed over to Ion. Went to Prologue. :)
Saw Shadow Wave and The Lost Titans again. Likka omfg. Heh.
Ite, decided to get Shadow Wave, since i have been waiting for it since forever.:)
Heh, 111-ed home. Nao usin com againnnnn~.
Realized that i have abso no life. All i do is, watch dvds, use com, or read at home. Heh. Need to get one soon, before i kill myself juz coz im bored. Lolol.

Shall end here.
Gonna meet whitney,eve and eileen tmr at 11<-- Early! Lol. :)
Heh, had a fun day. Gonna strt on SW nao. Ciao. :D

11:27 PM

Oct 25, 2010

Here to blog while waiting for food! Lol. Hungry ttm.
Slept at 5 last nite, woke up at 11. Whoo~! TIRED. HEH.
Met ky, went to eat then to library to borrow some books.
Back to my house.
Watched Gossip Girl/read/use com. :D
Then sent her to mrt station.
Nth much to do today. Probably gonna watch white collar ltr. :)
Bieeeeee peeps. Heheexcz.

Sometimes i wished i was invisible. But then u wouldn't know i was here.

7:25 PM

Oct 24, 2010
Im back from the dead. Hie. LOL.

training for the first time since..i dont when.
Was alright ,but my stamina?Abysmal. Heh.
After that, tiong for lunch at LJS.
Then whitney's to shower; sleep/slack and a pizza dinner while watching Tarzan. Lolol. :D

Got my results. Its dismal at best.
I really hope i dont retain.
All i can say is that i will work vvv hard to make up for my slacking this holiday.
Homed and took a nap.
Then headed to rise to play ball with evelyn, whitney, wenkai,leroy and branson.
Haha, ate , then Henderson Wave! ^^
Slacked, listened to music.
Reached home round 1245. :)

Haha, met up with Kaiying! :D
Went to the asian civilisation museum.
It may be like we got no life , but i think its quite interesting. Haha! :D
Learned some things and had fun at the activity stations. Lol.
Walked over to Central and had delicious ramen noodles for lunch.
then headed to Liang Court.
Kinokuniya. Saw Shadow Wave and a new book from rick riordan. Like a omfg.
Heh, will make a trip to borders,kinokuniya or prologue ASAP! :D
Then to Starbucks. used my starbucks card for the first time. Heheexcz. ^^
Slacked for awhile, then homed to change.
Headed to whitney's house to read/slack/use com. Heh.
Had cup noodles for dinner then 195-ed home. :D

Life is beautiful,to quote ky. Heh.Though its being clouded by my dismal results.
But im choosing to be optimistic , at least for nao. :)
Heh, awesome start to tthe holidays.
Hope i dun get any bad news. :)
Lastly, best of luck to those taking o'levels! Especially to whitney,mary and wanting! Haha,all the best! :D

i wished everything would just go back to the way it was.

8:47 PM

Sep 23, 2010
Hiya peeps.

Slept at like 7 last nite, till tis morn. Feel super duper energetic. Lol.
Haha , went to sch.
Ohohoh. Thxs wan ting and whitney for the monogrammed towel , love it! :D
Heh , went for poa extra class after sch. Did double-entry and T a/c untill i kisiao. LOL.

Homed. Showered.

Whitney came over to my house for a tad while we waited for wan ting and mary to arrive. ^^
Headed to one of th void decks near my house to play candles,fireworks and lanterns(lendongs),LOL, to celebrate the mid-autumn festival. Haha.
Played~. Then to ntuc to buy ingredients.
Back to my house to cook.
Heh , cooked spaghetti and a 4-in-1 special campbell soup. Lolol.
Watched the 9 o'clock on ch8 and the 10 o'clock show on ch u.
Haha. Fun and fun maximum today. :D
Heh, shall stop here nao.

Thxs for the fun today. It was tiring , but awesome. Love y'all. <3>
You know you love me, xoxo [gossip girl] :D LOL

12:44 AM

Sep 16, 2010
Hiya peeps.
School was mundane, as usual.
Went to Queensway mac for lunch wif kaiying aft sch .
Then went back to my house for a dose of Gossip Girl :D

Met Justin at redhill at 5plus.
Then headed to vivo to meet the others.
Then to Universal Studio!!!
Fun maximum mahnxcz!! :D
Sat on like 5-6 rides. Most memorable a.k.a scary? Revenge of the Mummy. Haha.
Gave me a heart attack. I felt like i was gonna fall off, and my heart almost stopped.
Walked around , sat on rides , ate , drank and took some pics. ^^
Lol. Then ate B&J ice cream be4 leaving.
145-ed home with sheryl. :)

Heheexcz , had an absoutely awesome time with justin and sheryl today. Loves ^^
Shall end here! :D
You know you love me , xoxo. :D

i need to stop, but i cant stop.
somebody help me, coz i cant stop.

1:46 AM

Sep 1, 2010
Hiyyyya. Haha.

Haha. Met yunying and jianhao at central.
Sticky's to get candy and ky's huge lollipop. Don't know how is she gonna strt eating it. Lol.
Haha, coincidently , saw bivian and melissa. And whitney and wan ting! Haha.
Haha, we went to get mary's stuff/ then me, yy and jh left.
Met jiahui and songchin to watch Step Up 3. Awesome movie. <3

Haha, homed aft walking around for awhile.

Yunying's house to make the cereal/chocolate thingy. Haha.
Ntuc to buy the ingredients , ate , then went up to strt.
Haha , fun time makin the thingy. Lol , i have no idea what to call it.
Then went to Amara with yy to get subway.

Bact to her house , continued doing the thingy. Haha
Then watched a little of how i met ur mother. Haha , freaking hilarious.
Then did a little hw before heading home.

School. Mundane as usual.

Haha,teacher's day celebration. So im gonna wish all teachers a very Happy Teacher's Day. Lol. Went high maximum during assembly.
Haha. Nice performances.
Then had interhouse. :D
Haha. Played basketball.
Then off to change then hall to watch badminton. Then left school.
Tiong wif andre to eat our lunch.
Then homed.
Showered, change , then to library for awhile before heading to queensway to meet whitney and wan ting.
Walked around for a bit , then headed to queensway mac to study/slack. Lols.
Left round 10plus. :)

Haha , met yy at tiong to pass her th books.
Then off to vivo to meet evelyn , eileen , wanting ,whitney and mary.
Bought tickets and went to kim gary for lunch.
Then headed to the cinema to watch step up 3 . Again. Lols. But its an awesome movie. So i dun mind watchin it again. Especially th dance moves. Haha.
Headed to skypark. Met kim. Talked for a tad while before going to the arcade. :D
Haha , after that , walked around then headed to shihlin at harbourfront to eaat. Heh.
Haha, after eating , the rest went home. Went to whitney's house for a little while.
Then its home sweet home :D

Awesome week all around.
Haha, thxs for all the presents and for the celebration. :)
Enjoyed myself today. Heexc.
Love y'all. Nights.

11:52 PM

FAYE is my name
once a rafflesian , now a merahan
basketball, my first love <3
#09'08 13'09 15'10
Life As It Is: Family;Friends;Clan.
Green;Adidas;Lady Gaga;Dj Ryson

That awesome adidas shirt!<3
That awesome adidas bag! <3
New laptop ;D
Better Grades!
That awesome adidas shoe!<3

break the silence

Music Playlist at MixPod.com
March 2008
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
June 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010

2G'09 Adeline Angie Ariel Basketball Clan Cassandra Evelyn Jiahui Jiamin Kaiying Mary Margaret Rachael Rena Samantha Sandy Shafiqah Shumei Stephanie Tania Wanting Whitney Yanping Yunying Yuting Xiaoqin Xinyun Zenna

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